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Reflex Integration

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Reflex Integration

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When children or adults exhibit disability or challenges (physically, emotionally, and socially) their primary reflex responses are important to explore. It can be simple and easy to determine individual or multiple primary reflexes that are not integrated with the body and therefore cause inefficient or incorrect neurological pathways. 


​I am in ongoing training as a "Core Specialist in training" under the Masgutova Neuro-sensory-motor Reflex Integration (MNRI) program. 



Primary Reflexes (MNRI®)

Primary Reflexes patterns and primary movements are innate to every human being. They are our foundation, present in the womb and identifiable before birth. They remain in our programming throughout life and we revert to them in times of stress, trauma, or sickness.


I am currently a Core Specialist in Training under the MNRI training program. 


"They are essential to survival, especially during stress or danger. They are the fundamental neurological building blocks for all learned movements and skills, from first lifting the head, to crawling, to talking, to writing, to calculating. These infant reflexes influence the overall development of the brain's cognitive, emotional, and physical processes as we mature.  


Primary motor reflex dysfunction or pathology can be caused by one or more basic conditions including congenital disorders, disease, physical and emotional trauma, and prolonged, intermittent, or chronic stress. 


The importance of developing fully matured and integrated reflexes is enormous. It is only through a system that experiences the matured reflex patterns can internal self-regulation appear, and the ability to build motivation, apply abstract thinking, and develop creative and skillful intentional behaviors to move through life". 


Extracts taken from Dr Patty Shackleford, Ph.D. in Psychology, and the USA MNRI®  Team.

Sign up for a parent coaching, child online or child face-to-face session and we can work together to see if your child has any immediate issues with their reflexes. Most kids do, it’s more a matter of finding out which ones so I can guide you in how to address them at home yourself (or select the right type of sports club to help integrate this in other ways).

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